Justice Is What Love Looks Like In Public - twisted from Dr. Cornel West

Martin Luther King Jr. gave several sermons on love...agape love...the love for one another that is missing in today's society.

If you don't know agape...you canot practice agape...learn what it really menas first...then put it into practice. You'll soon find it is easier to love than to hate.

Here's a key for you to unlock the door....while it may be easy to practice agape...love...you do not have to LIKE...:)

Be well, Be Blessed and Be a Blessing to others.

Life will give you the experiences you need to elevate your consciousness.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Really? They Expect uUs to Believe That?

So the Rethugs have decided to dole out $10 milly for an "Outreach" program. Just in time for the 2014 elections. Really? They expect the black, hispanic, asian, women, GLBTQ and disabled American public to believe they care just before the elections? This is laughable at the very least.
What is it about us that slick politicians (the Dumbos are no better and maybe worse) that allows them to believe if they throw money at us that we will scramble to get it? By the way, I looked on the 'net and couldn't find one thing on how to apply. Yes, I was going to apply but that's for another post.
Here's the deal...this $10 milly they are offering up is peanuts compared to the amount of money they take in every month and year. And exactly who and where is this money going? Let's be real here, are we to believe the Republicans will allow that money to leave their coffers without a payoff?
If you know anything about politics and moneys it should be this...that money will go to certain people in certain states (in the south)  to be used to to prop up their candidates with ads, robo calls, office staff and the like.
I'll be willing to bet $10 milly that the $10 milly they use for Outreach will be spent on Inreach. Remember, you heard it here first.